Sunday, July 8, 2007

Husnul Khaatimah

Many friends e-mailed me this picture of a very fortunate man who died while he was in the sujood posture in Masjidin Nabawi in Madinatul Munawwarah. Masya Allah.
As Muslims, all of us hope that when it is our turn to return to Allah SWT, hopefully we will die in husnul khaatimah (good, beautiful ending). We will be the happiest beings on earth if we end our lives in husnul khaatimah.
During our last moment on earth, syaitaan will try to deviate us from the true path. Syaitan will try his very best to make sure that we die in su'ul khaatimah (the opposite of husnul khaatimah - a bad ending), na'uzubillah. He will appear in various forms, among them as our mother.... If that fails to deviate us, as our father. All sorts of tactics will be tried on us, just to make sure that we die as a non Muslim.
May Allah protect us all. Ameen.

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