Learning Spanish is fun and easy. It is even much easier to learn if one already knows English and Bahasa Malaysia and a mish mash of Arabic. This is because Spanish lies in the same family tree as the French and Italian languages. Learning Spanish is a whole lot easier when compared to learning French because, in Spanish, except for a few words (especially involving the alphabets j and h), what you see is what you pronounce.
A new learner can actually 'guess' what the particular Spanish word means once one gets the hang of it. The following are examples of some familiar words to an English/French/Italian speaking learner:
Spanish - English
mucho - much
hola - hello
tengo - have
desperado - desperate
estudiante - student
mi - my
persona - person
muy - very
bien - good/well
y - and
tarde - late/later
bueno - good
buenos dias - good morning
buenas tardes - good afternoon
buenas noches - good night
gracias - thank you
dinero - money
si - yes/ if
palabra - word
amor - love
silencio - silent/silence
oportunidad - opportunity
capacidad - capacity
por - for
preparar - to prepare
amigo - friend
tipo - type
maestro - teacher
coche - car
pobre - poor
selectivo - selective
paz - peace
promesa - promise
pronto - quick
educacion - education
hambre - hungry
vida - life
loca - mad
Dios mio - my God
hombre - man
mujer - woman
hermana - sister
hermano - brother
abuela - grandmother
abuelo - grandfather
madre - mother
padre - father
algodon - cotton
Ojala - hopefully (originated from Oh Allah)
uno/una - one
paloma - dove/pigeon
blanca - white
zorro - fox
arriba - above, high
esposa - wife
marido - husband
leccion - lesson
cuando - when
ser - to be
que - that, which, who, whom, when
and so on and so forth.
Any how, beware... there are always exceptions.... My Spanish professor warned us not to generalize things. For example the phrase : " Tengo embarazada" does not mean "I am embarass" (even though it sounds like one), but , "I am pregnant"!
Writing this piece reminds me of my Spanish Professor's class years ago. Profesor Jorge Febles was trying to introduce to the class the phrase " Si tuviera dinero..... que compraria usted?" (which means : "If you have the money... what would you buy?"). When it came to my turn, I answered like this : "Si tuviera dinero, compraria un coche" (If I have the money, I would buy a car).
Professor Febles then asked me again: "Que tipo (del coche)?" - which means what type (of car?)
I answered : "Un corvette!" (A corvette - it's a type of sports car but not as expensive as the Lamborghini...) , to which there was complete silence before the class broke into uncontrollable guffaws... The professor slapped his forehead and unable to contain his laughter, laughed together with the class.
Perhaps it was because I looked like a nun (to them) that made them so taken aback by my answer. Nuns are not supposed to have any desires of having any worldly things, I supposed. Any how, that incident stuck in my mind... until today.
hola...a very nice blog.... will be in my bookmarks' list
Wa alaikumussalam.
Muchas gracias y hasta luego...
Hola senorita ...
All languages-related anecdotes really amused me and you story is no exception. Mucho gracias ...
Hopefully, more anecdotes coming to their way ...
Hasta mayana ... adios!
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