Friday, May 25, 2007


I wasn't born with this name..Taaherah. The name given to me by my parents was Zuraimi. I hated that name since I was a little girl. Years later, when I met Ustazah Fuzla Suria Hamid, she looked up in the Arabic dictionary and informed me that 'Zuraimi' has a bad meaning....

So, those who knew me by my old name are my old set of friends....and those who call me by my present name are those whom I knew post my US days...

My mother tongue is, from 'raimi', my siblings called me 'Reming'.....and that's how my blog got this name....


Oniey said...

Now I know what reming is all about..

Hafiey Nur said...


The name Fuzla Suria Hamid sound familiar to me. I once had an ustazah by that name. She taught me Arabic for Communication in SMKAP Kangar. Would it be the same ustazah Fudzla Suria?

That's how reming got its name... thought of chinese descendent or sort ... :p

Taaherah said...

Dearest Miss Fisha,
Wa 'alaikumussalam.

Reming does not originate from the Ming Dynasty heh heh he he....

My best guess is she could be the same person we're talking about. There're not that many Malays with that name, ya? Ustazah Fudzla once served with ITM Pahang in Kuantan sometime in 1988 when I was pregnant with my first baby. I shared the same office with her. She is from the north. Most probably from Kedah,I could be wrong but she surely spoke with the northern dialect.

She graduated from al Azhar University in Egypt. She decided to move on to some other challenging job (she was thinking of going to Maktab Mahmud at that time) because she didn't want her knowledge to be wasted. Arabic in ITM at that time was very basic.

I've lost contact with her through out these years. What I can still remember is that all her siblings have 'catchy names' just like hers.